
welcome to nim's homepage

under construction

I made dis

this is me > me

This came from the Octothorpes starter site on Glitch! Octothorpes are hashtags and backlinks you can use on regular websites. Independent sites linked by a ring can see each other's hastags and links.

This site's ring is: https://octothorp.es.

This is the brand-spanking-new test of Octothorpes for XOXO 2024. If you somehow found this and aren't part of XOXO, wow, we're impressed. Drop us a line.

This site will only work for the duration of XOXO - August 21-23 Normally you'd have to register your domain, but we're opening it up for everyone just for XOXO. If you want to keep using Octothorpes afterwards, awesome! Let us know with this form!

Or DM us on XOXO slack or xoxo.zone -- we're @nk and @nik on both.

If you're not sure what Octothorpes are and or to use them, the demo site is a good introduction. You can also check out the octothorpe for demo. If you're pretty handy with a website already, and don't want to use Glitch, check out the quickstart guide.

Ok, let's get you set up.

First, hit remix

One click, and you get your own site.

Remix on Glitch

Next, ready, set -- blog!

Ok, hi we're back. Now that you have your own copy of this, you can start posting.

Here's a walkthrough of what you can do! (Glitch-specific stuff starts at 6:24). Or you can check out the links below.

Blogging on Eleventy

This site is running on Eleventy. It was remixed from glitch-hello-eleventy. All the original guides to using Eleventy are still here. Check them out if you need an intro.

The biggest difference is that you can use Octothorpes to hashtag your posts or link to other posts.

read more here

MICROblogging on Eleventy with Octothorpes

This site has a special feature -- writing Oofs! Oofs are like the world's clunkiest tweets.

read more here

Ok wow have fun